
Community event hosted by Klaus Conrad

17 Nov 2023 10.00am CET – 18 Nov 2023 7.00pm CET

DeLaSalle College

Birgu, Malta

Experience Raspberry Pi 5

This is a special event featuring the new Raspberry Pi 5.

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Celebrating 5 Years of #MaltaPi with the brand new Raspberry Pi 5!

#MALTAPI is back! For the 5th year running we will again be offering Malta’s only community-led tech hackathon — an event for all ages and skill levels to engage with coding, robotics and digital making. Join us to make, hack, code, tinker and play with microcontrollers, single board computers, electronics and making cool things!

SPECIAL NEWS: We are delighted that coinciding with this 5th anniversary we will be one of the few Jams around the world presenting the brand new Raspberry Pi 5 single board computer. Come experience the new Raspberry Pi 5!

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